Some kids will tell you more in a song it takes them an hour to write than they will tell you in countless hours of counselling.
Penny Frazier

I am a free-spirited freelancer who champions the healing power of the arts and believes in the power of the human spirit to rise above adversity. Among one hundred-dozen other things that bring me joy, I love kids of all ages, baseball of all levels, and laughing. I undertake work that is meaningful, far-reaching, and has an element of hope. Thank you so much for stopping by.
I don’t know if you can be all better,
but I believe parts
of you can.
Penny Frazier
A magnificent zine to amplify the voices of youth in care and former youth in care because they need to be heard.
A short novel that is taking a very long time to write. If you like odd characters who orchestrate the most poignant of illegal funerals, it will be worth the wait …. I think.
Marshmallow Pie is a play about three old ladies, a morally compromised doctor, and a man who is lost in a strawberry field.
Penny Frazier
“There is no doubt that Penny Frazier is, herself, a talented artist, writer, videographer and even a baseball coach. Her true gift, her real superpower, is helping others to uncover their own talents as artists, writers, musicians, and human beings. Her passion for people, music and art shines through everything she does and everyone she works with and in doing so makes the world a beautiful place.”